「國際樂齡孕養中心」是一個全新的醫療照護系統,這個醫學中心結合「長期照顧管理中心」( Long-term care center)、「婦產科醫院」(Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology)、「產後護理中心」( Postpartum care center)以及「托嬰中心」(Infant care center),是一個大型的複合式醫療服務系統。退休的樂齡人士入住「長期照顧管理中心」後,平日可以享有高品質的生活模式,並有最專業的醫療團隊守護其健康。而樂齡人士的子女若有生產需求,在此中心透過專業的「婦產科醫院」與「產後護理中心」,樂齡人士將可以替自己的子女產下其孫子女,本中心專業的人工生殖與代孕科技,將提供最安全的醫療流程,超高齡產婦有可能面對的風險,將在醫療高科技中被杜絕。孫子女被產下後,更有最專業的「托嬰中心」進行更近一步的照料,提供精卵的雙親仍可以專注在自己的事業,無須擔心嬰孩照護的複雜流程與煩惱。
“International Geriatric Pregnancy Center” is a whole new medical care system, combined with “Long-term Care Centre,” “Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,” “Postpartum Care Centre,” and “Infant Care Centre,” is a large combinative medical service system. After the admission to “Long-term Care Center,” the retired geriatric women can enjoy high quality of life and have the most professional medical team to take care of their health. If any pregnant requirement from geriatric women’s children, the geriatric women will be able to give birth to grandchildren for her child through professional “Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology” and “Postpartum Care Center” in our centre. The center's professional technology of artificial reproduction and surrogacy will provide the safest medical procedure, and the risks that super-aged pregnant women may face will be eliminated through the medical high-tech. After the grandchild is born, the most professional "Infant Care Center" will provide further care. Parents who provide sperm and eggs can still focus on their own careers without worrying about the complexities and hassles of baby care.